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SIX Future Mobile Work Machine event 2023 was a full-house success

The Future Mobile Work Machine event was arranged in Tampere Hall, Tampere City on the 30th of May. According to the atmosphere in the event and the feedback afterwards, the event was a success. The audience heard some interesting speeches, panel discussions, and exciting news too.

Future Mobile Work Machine event photo
Heini Wallander from Business Tampere was moderating the panel discussion. Juuso Kelkka (Valmet Automotive), Senni Huutera (Epec), Kirsi Leppä, (Nokia), Mikael Karlsson (MIKA Innovation Ab) and Pekka Yli-Paunu (Kalmar).

The Future Mobile Work Machine (FMWM) event by the SIX Mobile Machines (SIX MM) cluster was a success. The tickets were sold out and it was a full-house with lot of people buzzing around.

The event was about networking and discussions on how the industry is transformed through technology and competence development. It was about sustainability for which the companies constantly are doing hard development work.

The main goal of the FMWM is to show what a wide and magnificent range of advanced mobile machine companies we have in Finland. To show, that the field is vital and attractive, and will be in the future too.

Future Mobile Work Machine event photo
Mikael Karlsson from MIKA Innovation Ab was giving his keynote speech.

The goal was also to highlight the state-of-art expertise we already have in Finland the ten companies and two research organizations of the SIX MM cluster are working tirelessly to achieve the future vision of Finland being the best place in the world for making mobile machines.

We heard many interesting presentations from high-level experts and company representatives, and a very enlightening panel discussion about the roadmap themes of electrification and autonomy.

With the event booths, simulators, and other equipment brought by the cluster companies their expertise was introduced to hundreds of event visitors from different cities, companies, organizations, and officials.

There was not a silent moment as people were diligently chatting with each other during the breaks. Also the outside EXPO area was very popular with different machines brought there by Ponsse, Valtra and Sandvik.

Future Mobile Work Machine event photo
Outside EXPO area at the FMWM event had machines from Valtra, Ponsse and Sandvik.
Future Mobile Work Machine event photo
Pekka Yli-Paunu from Kalmar was introducing the new collaboration between SIX MM and FIMA.

At the event, it was also revealed that to achieve this vision the SIX MM cluster is starting an initial collaboration with the FIMA Forum of Intelligent Machines Ry to find mutual practices to achieve their common goal of Finland as a global mobile machine manufacturing leader. You will hear about this more later.

How to be a part of the Mobile Machines collaboration?

Many companies have been inquiring, about how to be a part of the MM cluster. At the event, Harri Nieminen, the father of the SIX initiative, revealed the new partnership model that is the Future Mobile Machine Club. If your company is interested in this kind of partnership with SIX MM, please leave your information through this site:

Successful event with a lot of good feedback

The participants were happy with the event based on the feedback we got during the event and after it. We are glad to receive any kind of feedback about the event.

Thank you everyone for making this event possible with us and special thanks to Tampere City for hosting our evening at Tampere Hall.

The FMWM was arranged by the cluster coordinator Tamlink in collaboration with the cluster companies, Tampere University and Business Tampere.

Nea Alanen


SIX Mobile Machines

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