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eSmart Machines
R&D and demonstration testbed for electric intelligent mobile machines
The main goal of the project is to form and develop a networked R&D and demonstration testbed for Pirkanmaa that brings together a competence center for electric intelligent mobile work machines and commercial vehicles, and to implement comprehensive demonstrations and workshops for companies in this environment.
The digitization and electrification of the sector, as well as the low-carbon and energy efficiency of products and production, are essential key factors for success in the market, the rapid introduction and application of which through stronger regional cooperation between SMEs and research and training organizations in joint RDI environments are seen as effective means of bringing targeted revitalization effects especially to operators in the SME sector and speeding up green transition in the sector.

More information

Mika Ijas
Principal Lecturer, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Phone: +358 50 4471 189

in more detail
The concrete sub-objectives of the project are:
Objective 1. A detailed study of the current state of regional RDI environments for electric intelligent mobile work machines and commercial vehicles. In addition to the current status, the related needs will be identified, after which it will be possible to define and carefully plan a new RDI and demonstration testbed for electric intelligent mobile work machines and commercial vehicles by TAMK and TAU. The study conducts project comparisons and state-of-the-art analysis of relevant benchmark actors in the EU. Following laboratories are updated and integrated: TAMK electric and mobile vehicles laboratories, TAU: The Dependable Systems Cyber Laboratories.
Objective 2. RDI and demonstration of electric intelligent mobile work machines and commercial vehicles Implementation of the testbed on the basis of the study and plan (objective 1): to carry out critical equipment purchases and to build the RDI and demonstration testbed and SMEs will jointly develop renewable energy technologies, solutions, products and services for electric intelligent mobile work machines and commercial vehicles.
Objective 3. Comprehensive Demonstrations in the RDI and Demonstration Testbed Environment for Electric Intelligent Mobile Work Machines and Commercial Vehicles: Based on the study (Objective 1), create and implement RDI Demonstration and Demonstration Testbeds for e-Intelligent Mobile Work Machines and Commercial Vehicles in the Objective 2 environment demonstrations and workshops that raise the utilization of renewable electrical energy and know-how in electronic solutions for companies in Pirkanmaa to the highest level.
A key part of the offering is guidance and innovation in design, implementation and maintenance based on existing roadmaps in the industry to accelerate the transition from currently widely used technologies such as internal combustion engines or hydraulics to electric actuators and power transmission systems in work machines and commercial vehicles. The activity is open to all interested companies and is also general in nature. Roadmaps are sectoral (mobile machinery and commercial vehicles), not targeted at individual companies.
As a result of the project, the utilization and know-how of renewable electricity in Pirkanmaa and the collaborative RDI and demonstration environment in electric intelligent mobile work machines and commercial vehicles will reach the top level in Finland. High-quality RDI environments contribute to the Pirkanmaa-led national Sustainable Industry X entity, one part of which is the RDI activities of mobile electrical work machines. The project also supports the implementation of sustainable development in Pirkanmaa and attracts actors to RDI cooperation also outside Finland.
Testbed for mobile electric work machines
An electrified mobile work machine equipped with a data interface
628 000 €

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